Step 1:Find a simple background at lunapic or image google or make it on ur own
(here i made it myself)for the background layer.Then go to Adobe
Photoshop open new file choose width and height 99x99px.
Drag the image background into the layout and name it Background.
Step 2:Then draw a simple heart shape or any shape, just be creative.Drag the heart shape also into the layout bord and place it at the center of the
background image.Put the Fill to 85%.
Duplicate the image 3 times and named it heart 1, heart 2 and heart 3.
Make sure the layers stack accordingly.
Step3: After that click the Edit in Image Ready icon at the tools or (Shift+Ctrl+M)
for windows and the designed will be open in Adobe Image Ready.
Now we are in Image Ready.
Then go to Windows>animation.
An animation frame window will be open.Duplicates the current frame.Make sure the current layer heart 1 and background layer is selected.
match the current frame 1 in the animation frame with the layer that u want it animated.
Make sure the current selected layer got an eye. Remove(deselect) the other eyez of 2 layout of heart 2 and heart 3.Do it until layer heart3.
Summary:Frame 1 - Select the eyes of Background and layer heart1
Frame 2 - Select the eyes of Background and layer heart2
Frame 3 - Select the eyes of Background and layer heart3
we almost finish. Click at the loop sign at the bottom of animation frame and change into Forever.
Set the time by right click at the bottom of every frame to 0.1sec and then Press the play button.
Then don't forget to Save Optimized as .gif.